September 28th, 2024

SATINO Joins Sinoni Secondary School’s 21st Graduation Ceremony

SATINO Daycare had the distinct honor of participating in the 21st graduation ceremony at Sinoni Secondary School, an event that highlighted the community’s commitment to education and collaboration. The ceremony celebrated not only the students’ academic achievements, but also the broader goal of combating ignorance through learning.

The day began with a welcome from the school’s director, who met with SATINO representatives and other attendees before a shared lunch. Guests were then treated to science demonstrations by students, showcasing their chemistry skills through a series of experiments, thoroughly impressing the crowd.

As a token of the close relationship between SATINO and Sinoni, the organisation’s director, Augustino, and volunteers Dominik from Switzerland and Nico from Italy, were invited to sit on stage with other distinguished guests and teachers. The ceremony featured a variety of student performances, including a comedy show and traditional dances, giving guests a glimpse into the rich cultural and creative life of the students.

A particularly special moment occurred when SATINO’s team presented a symbolic piece of cake to head student Frank, who is not only a standout scholar but also a former student of SATINO Daycare. The gesture was a reminder of the enduring connections between the daycare and its alumni, and was a testament to the lasting impact of the daycare’s work.

The event concluded with a renewed sense of unity between SATINO and the local education community. “Our involvement in community events like this reminds us of the importance of education and working together,” said Augustino. “It’s wonderful to see our former students thriving and to witness the dedication of both the students and the teachers at Sinoni”.

SATINO continues to emphasize the importance of community involvement in education. By participating in events like this, the organization reaffirms its commitment to supporting local initiatives that empower youth through learning and engagement.